[Looking south from the Battery to Governors Island.]
At the Battery
"New Amsterdam Today", view of the Battery [canal barges in the foreground, tall buildings behind]
[People sitting at the Battery, Castle Garden in view]
Battery Park
Loading Docks
Tug Basin, East River, with tug C. C. Clarke
[Manhattan skyline from the East River]
[Canal boats in dock]
Broadway from the Battery
[Battery Park Concert Garden and Lion Brewery]
[The Battery.]
On the Beach in Coney Island
[Small farm dwellings next to a large road]
Bronx Park
Skyline from St. Paul's Church to the Battery
Fire Island Beach, Long Island [bird's-eye view]
In the Gully Looking Out [Winter scene in the park]
Lower New York from river at Canal Street
View of the Battery, New York