View of Harpers Ferry, Va.
The Rail Road Suspension Bridge.
The Home of the Deer.
The Mill-Stream.
Farm Life in Summer.
The Fords of the Jordan.
The Rail Road Suspension Bridge. Near Niagara Falls
In the Mountains.
Winter in the Country
View in Dutchess County, N.Y.
Enoch Arden - The Lonely Isle
The Battle of the Wilderness Va. May 5th & 6th 1864.
The Bridge, at the Outlet.
The New Suspension Bridge - Niagara Falls.
Enoch Arden _ The Lonely Isle.
The Valley of the Susquehanna.
Gems of American Scenery.
The Grottoes of the Sea.
Scenery of Wicklow, Ireland.
The Tomb and Shade of Napoleon. From a Natural Curiosity at St. Helena.