165 Broadway. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., board of directors room.
Chemical Bank and Trust Co., main bank vault.
165 Broadway. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., main banking floor at rear.
165 Broadway. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., girl employees lounge.
11 West 51st Street. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., main interior, banking section.
34th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Chemical Bank, detail of doors.
11 West 51st Street. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., board room.
Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Co., detail of rotunda.
11 West 51st Street. Chemical Bank and Trust Co., main interior, looking in.
165 Broadway. Portrait Perkins, Gilbert H., Chemical Bank and Trust Co.
165 Broadway. LeRoy W. Campbell [portrait]. Chemical Bank and Trust Co.
57th Street and Madison Avenue. Irving Trust Co., detail of entrance.
176 Broadway. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., lobby.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., detail of entrance.
165 Broadway. Percy Hampton Johnston, Chairman of the board. Chemical Bank and Trust Co.
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, detail of bank entrance.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., entrance view looking across lobby.
15 Broad Street. Carvings over entrance to Equitable Trust Co.
Canal Street and 3rd Avenue. Citizens Savings Bank, details of screen and entrance to elevator lobby.