Beekman and Water Street. Beekman Hospital, kitchen, 7th floor, before alterations.
Beekman and Water Street. Beekman Hospital, 7th floor elevator doors looking south, before alterations.
Water Street and Beekman Street. Volunteer Hospital, exterior.
130 West 45th Street [Before alterations.]
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, x-ray laboratory, medical department, 7th floor.
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, chemical laboratory, 7th floor, N.W. corner.
6th Street and 7th Avenue. Buckley Pavilion, Methodist Hospital.
Water Street and Gouverneur Slip. Gouverneur Hospital, exterior.
39th Street and 7th Avenue.
[7th Avenue and 127th Street.]
121 Madison Avenue. Apartments, kitchen, 7th floor.
218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations
[Pike Street and Division Street, southeast corner. General exterior before alterations.]
West 168th Street and Broadway. Presbyterian Hospital. Interior, laboratory
57th Street and 7th Avenue. The Osborne.
Water Street and Gouverneur Slip. Gouverneur Hospital, interior.
12th Street and 7th Avenue. St. Vincent's Hospital, nurses station 5th floor, from inside with tube station.
Pike Street and Division Street, southeast corner. Interior, ground floor lobby after alterations