721 5th Avenue. Bonwit Teller.
415 5th Avenue. Bonwit Teller Building Annex, general exterior.
415 5th Avenue. Bonwit Teller addition, view of lower stories.
55th Street and 5th Avenue. Bonwit Teller and Co., entrance detail.
5th Avenue at the corner of East 37th Street. Bonwit Teller addition.
670 5th Avenue. General exterior.
620 5th Avenue. General exterior.
417 5th Avenue. General exterior.
668 5th Avenue. General exterior.
417 5th Avenue at the corner of East 38th Street. Bonwit Teller Building.
518 5th Avenue. General exterior.
505 5th Avenue. General exterior.
724-726 5th Avenue. General exterior.
724-726 5th Avenue. General Exterior.
Bonwit Teller, view of side at 56th Street.
5th Avenue and West 55th Street. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, general view.
View looking through 40th Street from 5th Avenue.
628 5th Avenue. Dean's, general exterior.