12 Minetta Street. Section of leader, south edge of front door, 11:48am.
12 Minetta Street. Rear of west gable wall to show cracks, 11:08am.
16 Minetta Street. View looking S.W. along foundation under north wall to 14 Minetta, street shows foundation overbuild line also cracks. . .
16 Minetta Street, New York, View looking south west at (westerly) rear wall to 14 Minetta St. Showing cracks near north west corner, also shallow foundation
10 Sheridan Square. View from building at N.E. corner [of] Christopher Street and 7th Avenue, 11:27am.
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board #153 - #2.
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board, No. 153, #1.
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board, #153.
16 Minetta Street, New York City, View looking east from rear (westerly) wall to #14 Minetta St. Showing cracks over basement & first floor windows
10 Sheridan Square. Legal record for Board of Appeals, from near entrance looking south at Sheridan Square. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Sheridan Square, 11:13am.
10 Sheridan Square. Legal record for Board of Appeals, from south side Barrow Street between West 4th Street and Washington Place, looking north at Sheridan Square, 10:57am.
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. View, from roof of 224 West 4th Street alongside Greenwich Village Theatre looking south through Washington Place, 12:18pm.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from north side to Grove Street looking S.W. through Washington Place and Sheridan Square, 11:43am.
12th Street and 7th Avenue. St. Vincent's Hospital, first floor, Al Smith building, three door wardrobe "shut".
167 West 12th Street. Cooperative League of the U.S.A., Mr. Wallace Campbell, Assistant Secretary, in front of display board.
167 West 12th Street. Cooperative League of the U.S.A., Mr. Wallace Campbell and staff in front of display board.
38 Bleecker Street. St. Barnabas Home, Mulberry Street front.
28 West 12th Street. .
12th and 13th Street [S.W.] of 7th Avenue. 12th and 13th Street Estate.
12th Street and 7th Avenue. St. Vincent's Hospital, first floor, Al Smith building, three door wardrobe "open".