12 Minetta Street. Crack at south edge of front door, 11:21am.
16 Minetta Street, New York, View looking south west at (westerly) rear wall to 14 Minetta St. Showing cracks near north west corner, also shallow foundation
12 Minetta Street. Section of leader, south edge of front door, 11:48am.
16 Minetta Street. View looking S.W. along foundation under north wall to 14 Minetta, street shows foundation overbuild line also cracks. . .
16 Minetta Street, New York City, View looking east from rear (westerly) wall to #14 Minetta St. Showing cracks over basement & first floor windows
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board #153 - #2.
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board, #153.
12 West 11th Street. Exemption Board, No. 153, #1.
28 West 12th Street. .
246 West 39th Street. Looking southwest at westerly gable wall to 246 West 39th Street, 10:27am.
Little West 12th Street. Perceval Building.
218 and 222 West 65th Street. Detail cracks in base west wall to extension of 218 West 65th Street and detail of west gable wall of 222 West 65th Street.
119-25 West 12th Street. Apartment house.
246 West 39th Street. General view from southwest looking northeast at south rear wall and west gable wall to 246 West 39th Street showing how west gable came off clean from southwest corner, no joint
222 West 65th Street. West gable wall.
119-125 West 12th Street. Apartment house, entrance.
130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, general exterior.
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from north side to Grove Street looking S.W. through Washington Place and Sheridan Square, 11:43am.
246 West 39th Street. Detail of lower part of westerly gable wall, view looking east, 10:52am.