604 5th Avenue. Childs Restaurant building.
604-608 5th Avenue. Old Goelet residence.
237 5th Avenue. E.B. Meyrowitz Bros. Opticians.
345 Madison Avenue. General exterior.
383-87 Madison Avenue. Exterior.
260 Madison Avenue. General view.
View from the 4th floor at 210 Madison Avenue, north up Madison Avenue.
244 Madison Avenue. General exterior.
26th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Garden.
444 Madison Avenue. View looking south down Madison Avenue
299 Madison Avenue. View looking up Madison Avenue.
340 Madison Avenue. National American Building.
575 Madison Avenue. Looking S.E.
309-313 Madison Avenue.
51 Madison Avenue. New York Life Insurance Building, detail basement stories and Madison Avenue entrance.
270 Madison Avenue.
327-31 Madison Avenue. Commercial/Office building.
260 Madison Avenue. Front elevation looking up.
57th Street and Madison Avenue, S.W. corner. Lexington Avenue.
260 Madison Avenue. Lobby detail.