211 West 106th Street. Apartment 3 E, foyer to apartment, before alteration.
211 West 106th Street. Foyer lobby type C in apartment 3C, after remodeling.
211 West 106th Street. Foyer lobby type E in apartment 15E, after remodeling.
211 West 106th Street. Looking N.E. at exterior of apartments.
View looking N.W. at 207 West 106th Street.
150-152 West 106th Street. General exterior.
West 106th Street. Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.
106th Street and Central Park West. General Memorial Hospital.
118 West 79th Street. Apartments, interior foyer.
106th Street and West End Avenue. Stanley Court.
76th Street and West End Avenue. Lombard Apartment House, foyer interior.
West 106th Street and Broadway. View looking west from northeast corner
West 58th Street. Cochran [Apartments].
View south from N.E. corner of 106th Street and Broadway.
West End Avenue and 74th Street. Hotel Esplanade, apartment 3D, before remodeling.
320 West 89th Street. Apartment house.
350 West 88th Street. Strathallan Apartments.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun. Foyer hall, ground floor.
West 80th Street. Apartment, general exterior.