385 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Co., drawing of new store by R. Von Esdorf.
385 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Co., drawing of new store, millinery department, by R. Von Esdorf.
Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker, drawing of basement stories of new store by Robert van Esdorf.
Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker, interior layout of the sales floor, drawing by Robert van Esdorf.
383 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Company, new store, sketch of the bride's shop for new store.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of new entrance.
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank.
385 Madison Avenue. Carrier Engineering Co., office lobby, glass block wall.
121 Madison Avenue. Drawing [of building].
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail in lobby.
383 - 385 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
383-385 Madison Avenue. Building, finished view of remodeled exterior.