385 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Co., drawing of new store by R. Von Esdorf.
385 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Co., drawing of new store, toiletries, by Von Esdorf.
Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker, drawing of basement stories of new store by Robert van Esdorf.
Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker, interior layout of the sales floor, drawing by Robert van Esdorf.
270 Madison Avenue. National Starch Products Co. research department.
383 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Company, new store, sketch of the bride's shop for new store.
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank.
383 Madison Avenue. John Wanamaker Company, new store, sketch of the second floor looking toward the better dresses department.
260 Madison Avenue. Detail of entrance, drawing.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of new entrance.
[383-387 Madison Avenue?]. Drawing of remodeled building.
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, detail of main entrance.