New York University, Home Economics Department, cooking equipment in classrooms, general view of Room 1079 in the Education Building.
New York University, Home Economics Department, cooking equipment in classrooms, view of one side of Room 1080 in the Education Building.
4th and Greene Street. New York University Educational Building, detail along base.
Washington Square East, Greene and […] Street, N.W. corner. New York University Education Building, detail around window bay, sixth floor.
Washington Square. New York University building, view from Washington Square arch.
View of Washington Square Park looking west from New York University.
4th and Greene Street, N.W. corner. NYU Educational Building, general view above building.
Washington Square East. New York University, building inscribed "American Book Company".
Washington Square. New York University.
Washington Square. New York University. Interior, Green Room in East Building
Washington Square. New York University. Interior, biology laboratory, Room 656, Main Building
New York University, gym and pool.
New York University. General view of Washington Square Park
Proposed Building for New York University
New York University, Library of Law, interior.
32 Waverly Place. New York University, entrance to building at Washington Square.
New York University, gym and pool, exterior.