Organic furniture exhibit.
Modern furniture exhibit, general view.
West 57th Street. Government Food Exhibition, fruit side of exhibit, interior.
11 West 53rd Street. Museum of Modern Art. Interior, exhibit of modern furniture
101 Park Avenue. Exhibit in window.
West 57th Street. Government Food Exhibition, general view of exhibit, interiors.
Photo exhibit, Image of Freedom.
159 Madison Avenue. Bethlehem Furniture Company
1918 Exhibit, Madison Square Garden, interior, Simplex projector.
11 West 53rd Street. Museum of Modern Art. View of modern furniture and Rivera exhibit
1918 Exhibit, Madison Square Garden, interior.
101 Park Avenue. Architects Samples Corporation, corner in plumbing exhibit, mezzanine.
100 West 55th Street. Group of modern furniture
11 West 53rd Street. View of history of skyscrapers exhibit, Chicago.
101 Park Avenue. Electrocoal grate, view of exhibition at Architects Samples Corporation.
Atlantic Specialties Co., exhibit at Architect's Samples Corp.