285 Madison Avenue. 12th floor, looking at east wing, 1:17pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 14th floor, east wing from east end looking west, 12:24pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 13th floor, looking north through west wing, 12:46pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 13th floor, view east through east wing, 12:38pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 14th floor, east wing, view west through south section, 11:56am.
285 Madison Avenue. 14th floor, east wing, view east through center section.
Madison Avenue at 36th and 37th Streets. J. P. Morgan property looking east through garden from John Murray House.
Madison Avenue at 36th and 37th Streets. J. P. Morgan property looking S.E. through 37th St. side from 232 Madison Avenue.
East 38th Street and Madison Avenue. Looking north
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, first floor hall, view looking N.E.
Madison Square Garden, demolishing, record view, from bridge at 4th Avenue end looking west towards Madison Avenue, 12:42pm.
285 Madison Avenue at the N.E. corner of 40th Street. Murray Hill Building, No. 9.
631 West 46th Street and 12th Avenue.
155 East 44th Street. Commerce Building, 4th floor from west end looking east through center aisle, 9:56am.
285 Madison Avenue. Murray Hill Building
[Madison Avenue at 36th and 37th Streets. J. P. Morgan property looking east through garden from John Murray House.]
56 Park Avenue, between 37th and 38th Street. Residence.
123 East 37th Street and Madison Avenue, north corner. Lindsley House apartments, general exterior.
[Murray Hill Building, 285 Madison Avenue.]
270 Madison Avenue. National Starch Products Co. technical laboratory on tenth floor.