100 William Street. Woodruff Building, lower section.
100 Gold Street and Frankfort Street. Hide and Leather Building, entrance.
218 William Street. Metropolitan Building.
Woolworth Building, North Gable Wall at 229 Broadway, East Upper Section
Woolworth Building, North Gable Wall at 229 Broadway, West Upper Section
Woolworth Building, Upper Section of 12 Park Place [Showing Pain's Fireworks.]
151 William Street at Fulton Street. Aetna Life Insurance Building.
Woolworth Building, Upper Part of 7 Barclay Street [Building near construction zone.]
25-31 South William Street. Eight-story building.
Woolworth Building, Upper Section of Rear Wall at 1 1/2 Barclay
150 East 42nd Street. Socony-Mobil Building, view of upper section of building.
Woolworth Building, north section from Broadway looking west.
Woolworth Building, north section from Broadway looking north.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement central section, boiler room.
Broad Street between Stone Street and S. William. All America Cables Building.
William and Fulton Streets, and Ann Street. Royal Insurance Building, general exterior.
100 Gold Street and Frankfort Street. Hide and Leather Building, hall.
65 Broadway. American Express Building, detail of upper stories.
49 Wall Street at the corner William Street. Atlantic Mutual Building.