St. Clare and 12th Avenue at 125th Street. Gas station.
[8th Avenue and 130th Street.]
12th Avenue and 45th Street. J.C. Penney and Co. warehouses.
631 West 46th Street and 12th Avenue.
Madison Avenue at the corner of East 130th Street. All Saints Parochial School.
[East 12th Street & 4th Avenue.]
125th Street. Gas station.
130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, general exterior.
12th Street and 3rd Avenue. Trow Directory Building.
[Corner of 5th Avenue and 130th Street.]
130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, progress view.
12th and 13th Street [S.W.] of 7th Avenue. 12th and 13th Street Estate.
East 12th Street and Fifth Avenue, N.W. corner. Macmillan and Co.
Fifth Avenue and 12th Street.
[497 West 130th Street]
[498 West 130th Street]
130 East 15th Street. Consolidated Gas Co., gas appliance display room.