St. Clare and 12th Avenue at 125th Street. Gas station.
12th Avenue and 45th Street. J.C. Penney and Co. warehouses.
Madison Avenue at the corner of East 130th Street. All Saints Parochial School.
12th Street and 3rd Avenue. Trow Directory Building.
[East 12th Street & 4th Avenue.]
631 West 46th Street and 12th Avenue.
125th Street. Gas station.
12th and 13th Street [S.W.] of 7th Avenue. 12th and 13th Street Estate.
[8th Avenue and 130th Street.]
130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, general exterior.
130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, progress view.
130 East 15th Street. Consolidated Gas Co., gas appliance display room.
East 12th Street and Fifth Avenue, N.W. corner. Macmillan and Co.
12th Street and 7th Avenue. St. Vincent's Hospital, nurses station 5th floor, from inside with tube station.