7-9 East 71st Street. Residence of Mrs. Henry N. Straus, first floor stairs, looking S.W..
7-9 East 71st Street. Residence of Mrs. Henry N. Straus, 3rd floor, S.W. corner bedroom.
7-9 East 71st Street. Residence of Mrs. Henry N. Straus, 2nd floor, salon looking N.W. toward mantel.
7-9 East 71st Street. Residence of Mrs. Henry N. Straus, 4th floor, sitting room.
7-9 East 71st Street. Residence of Mrs. Henry N. Straus, 3rd floor, bath.
71st Street at the S.E. corner of Park Avenue. General exterior, Elihu Root residence.
71st Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Frick Art Gallery.
71st Street at the N.W. corner of Broadway. Photo record, Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, Sunday School room. From N.W. corner looking S.E. at roof trusses.
740 Park Avenue and 71st Street, N.W. corner. Apartment building.
14 East 71st Street. Residence.
71st Street, N.W. corner of Broadway. Photo record, Christ Protestant Episcopal Church. View looking S.E. across floor of church to show rubbish.
113 East 71st Street. Residence.
322-24 East 71st Street. Additional view from N.E. looking S.W. of wall to 320 East 71st Street, 11:34 A.M.
View of Central Park looking S.E. from 12th floor. N.W. corner of 104th Street.
22 East 71st Street. Forstmann residence
3-5-7 East 71st Street. C. Vanderbilt residence.
Park Avenue at the N.W. corner East 79th Street. White residence.
740 Park Avenue and 71st Street, N.W. corner. Apartment building exterior, general view.
71st Street at the N.W. corner of Broadway. Photo record, Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, Sunday School room. Looking S.E. at Temporary Partition at East end of Church.