Seven-story block front apartment, pencil rendering by Scheffler.
[Rendering of tall building.]
Rendering of a tall building by Hugh Ferriss.
Public library, Queensboro, architectural drawing by Bert Sullivan.
22nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Architectural rendering of apartments by Burt Sullivan.
171st Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. Apartment houses, block front.
Copy photo of a drawing of a hospital by Bert Sullivan.
Rendering of Chateau Apartments with tennis player in front.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by Scheffler.
Apartment house. Perspective rendering by A. Thornton Bishop.
Rendering of tall building with television mast, by Leyden Frost.
Rendering, ten-story apartment building.
Pencil rendering of apartment houses.
Madison Square Garden design, view with tall tower, rendering by Hugh Ferriss.
Watercolor rendering of apartment house.
941 Park Avenue. Rendering, apartments, by Harold Goldin, 1927.
[Rendering of Jackson Heights apartments.]
Perspective of apartment block end by Schell Lewis.
250 East 43rd Street. Rendering of tall office building.
Rendering of twelve-story apartment building by Watkeys.