Residence, Washington Irving, S.W. Corner Irving Place & 17th Street.
Rutherford Place. Friends Meeting House and Seminary, 15th to 16th Street, view looking S.W.
East 16th Street. Washington Irving High School, Domestic Science Class, bedroom.
15-17 East 16th Street. General exterior.
14-16 West 17th Street. General exterior.
East 16th Street. Washington Irving High School, Domestic Science Class, living room.
11 West 17th Street. General exterior.
East 16th Street and Rutherford Place. Friends Seminary. General exterior view of school and meeting house
40 West 17th Street. General exterior.
5th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 17th Street.
33-35 West 17th Street. General exterior.
7th Avenue S.W. corner W. 48th Street. General exterior.
[West side of Irving Place from 17th Street to 18th Street.]
[Corner of Irving Place and 17th Street.]
Irving Place and 17th Street [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
Park Avenue and 86th Street, S.W. corner. General exterior.
[Westminster Hotel, northwest corner of 16th Street and Irving Place.]
[Westminster Hotel on corner of Irving Place and 16th Street.]
153-161 East 24th Street and 150-158 East 25th Street. Legal record photo, looking east through 24th Street from S.W. corner of Lexington Avenue.