127 East 59th Street. Bickford's Restaurant.
104 East 40th Street near Park Avenue. Apartment house.
Vicinity of Arion Building at 59th Street and Park Avenue. Block front of east side of Park Avenue between 58th and 59th Streets.
[East 59th Street and Madison Avenue.]
19 East 48th Street near Madison Avenue.
505 Park Avenue and 59th Street. Office building.
East 59th Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. Board of Education Building
East 59th Street and Park Avenue. Delmonico Hotel. Interior, DuPont Auto salesroom
300 Park Avenue. Sherry's Restaurant
9-19 East 59th Street. .
East 28th Street near Madison Avenue. Prince George Hotel.
East 59th Street. Orthopedic Hospital, bathroom.
42nd Street near Park Avenue. Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. Building.
East 52nd Street near Madison Avenue. Farley Brothers' two residences.
59th Street and Park Avenue. Dupont Auto salesroom, Delmonico Hotel, interior.
59th Street and Park Avenue. View [taken for] Anderson Art Galleries.
East 59th Street and First Avenue. Queensboro Bridge underpass
East 59th Street and Lexington Avenue. Dry Dock Savings Bank
Madison Avenue near East 26th Street. Madison Square Apartments.