39 Broadway. Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, detail of entrance.
2-10 John Street at Broadway, S.E. corner. Chesebrough Building [with Horn & Hardart Automat and Fanny Farmer Candies].
Pine Street and Nassau Street. Chase National Bank, detail, entrance front.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of pulpit.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of lock and keys, inside vestry.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of altar and ornaments.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of altar, after restoration.
Broadway and Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Broadway end of entrance hall looking out.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of altar and chancel before restoration.
Broadway and Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Detail of elevator grille.
195 Broadway at the corner of Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Detail of Broadway entrance.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of large central crystal chandelier.
Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Co., Mr. Sabin's room, detail of entrance end.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, monument to John Wells.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, memorials, tablet to Sir John Temple, Baronet, north wall chancel.
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building, main entrance.
Broadway and Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Fulton Street entrance.
Wall Street. Detail of installation in Brown Bros. Bank.
63 Vesey Street. Hearst Building, detail of three doors.
49 Wall Street. Union Bank of Canada, exterior detail.