251 West 50th Street. Bickford's Restaurant
9-19 East 59th Street. .
East 45th Street and Lexington Avenue, northeast corner. Bickford's Restaurant
[316-318 East 59th Street.]
[316 East 59th Street. Gnome Bakery.]
East 59th Street. Orthopedic Hospital, bathroom.
[East 59th Street and Madison Avenue.]
[East 45th Street and Lexington Avenue, northeast corner. Beauty salon above Bickford's Restaurant.]
East 59th Street. Orthopedic Hospital, small operating room.
[Gnome Products building, 316 East 59th Street.]
16 East 59th Street. Frederick Keppel & Co.
420 East 59th Street. Orthopedic Dispensary and Hospital.
East 59th Street. Orthopedic Hospital, general view of amphitheatre.
[Rooftop terrace of 400 East 59th Street.]
580 Lexington Avenue. Bickford's Restaurant, storefront.
400 East 59th Street. Apartment building. Rooftop patio
400 East 59th Street. Apartments, looking down into living room.
400 East 59th Street. Living room in apartment 13F.