View from the 4th floor at 210 Madison Avenue, N.W. toward Times Square.
View from the 4th floor at 210 Madison Avenue, N.E. toward Chrysler Building and Tudor City.
Madison Square Garden, demolishing, record view, from bridge at 4th Avenue end looking west towards Madison Avenue, 12:42pm.
Looking North up 4th Avenue from 15th Street.
437 Madison Avenue. Detail view looking up at north side on 50th Street.
7 Gracie Square. From [4th?] floor looking north at the park.
View looking north up 5th Avenue from office window at 681 5th Avenue at 53rd Street.
299 Madison Avenue. View looking up Madison Avenue.
View of Union Square North from 14th Street, looking up 4th Avenue.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, first floor. Dining room, view at north wall.
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, teletype room, 4th floor.
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, Diebold files system center, 4th floor, north.
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, dumbwaiter, conveyor center, 4th floor.
Madison Square Garden, demolishing, from bridge at 4th Avenue end looking west towards Madison Avenue, 2:20pm.
383-385 Madison Avenue. General view, north elevation from north.
4th Avenue looking south from 28th Street.
437 Madison Avenue. General view looking up from S.W. at Madison Avenue front and 49th Street south side.