231 Madison Avenue. United Lutheran Church in America, looking N.W. into garden.
231 Madison Avenue. United Lutheran Church in America, window looking S.E. down into garden.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council, scroll.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council, giving of scroll.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 46th Street looking N.E..
383-385 Madison Avenue. General exterior from N.E..
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, first floor hall, view looking N.E.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council, view from roof of John Murray house apartments at center garden.
N.E. Corner 46 St & Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. from S.W. Cor. 46 St & Madison Ave.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council, dedicating a painting over the altar in the chapel.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Looking N.E.
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. from S.W. Corner of 26 St. and Madison Ave.
57th Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Central Presbyterian Church, entrance lobby.
57th Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Central Presbyterian Church, general exterior.
341 Madison Avenue and 44th Street, N.E. corner. Building.
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, interior of front lounge in N.E. corner, looking toward T.V. and Madison Avenue winter furnishings.
Looking N.E. From S.W. Cor. Madison Ave. & 57th St.
575 Madison Avenue. Looking S.E.
33rd Street and Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Burrell Building.