Repairing grate bars to furnace, before and after.
2612-14 Broadway. Before and after.
Furnace and boiler room
58th Street and 6th Avenue. Restaurant, before and after.
[Iron grate.]
Dentist Laboratory, melting and Soldering furnaces.
15 East 48th Street. Before and after, double image of residential building.
1201-07 Lexington Avenue. Before and after, double image of commercial building.
[Interior, detail of oven furnace.]
118 Maiden Lane. Elkworth, melting pot and blast furnace.
International Mettalurgic Co., analysis, crucible and muffler, blast furnace.
20 John Street. Goldsmith Bros., crucible and muffler furnace.
16 Gramercy Park South. The Players Club. Interior, view of playroom and bar, before alterations
[Interior, B. Altman & Company. Furnace room.]
[Interior, gas appliance showroom, furnace ovens.]
East 65th Street. Residence of Paul Fleischman, president of New Yorker Magazine, before and after.
[Interior, restaurant and bar.]
[Furnace display, New York World's Fair.]