Typical barracks, semi-permanent type, pencil rendering.
Twelve story block front building, California [California Building?], pencil line drawing.
Woolworth Building. Arcade, pencil rendering.
1605 1st Avenue. Rear of semi-demolished building.
Entrance to Building 275, pencil rendering.
Medical Arts building, drawing.
Broad Street. Post and Flagg Building.
[James A. Farley Post Office Building.]
[United Nations Headquarters.]
121 Madison Avenue. Drawing [of building].
General view of a building, drawing.
Detail of store building, drawing.
[James A. Farley Post Office building.]
West Street and Elizabeth Street. Stereo-type melting pots at N.Y. Evening Post.
Nine-story building, pencil rendering by [T.W.?] Cross.
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Interior, post office corridor
[Drawing of a twelve-story building.]
Amsterdam Avenue between West 92nd Street and West 93rd Street. Pencil drawing, 17 story apartment building
20-24 Vesey Street. Evening Post Building.