Public library, Queensboro, architectural drawing by Bert Sullivan.
Tall block front apartments, rendering by Bert Sullivan.
Aeroflex Laboratories Inc., copy of photo of drawing by Scheffler.
215 East 79th Street. Copy drawing of sixteen story plus penthouse apartment by Burt Sullivan.
[Copy photo of] hospital, two interns studying in their quarters.
[Copy photo of] operating theater, Bellevue Hospital, finishing an operation.
Copy photo of a male artist.
New York County Courthouse. Copy of old photo of drawing.
Copy from photo of General Culver.
[Copy photo of] S.J. Seaside Hospital, nurse and two babies, malnutrition,12096 photo by Byron, New York.
[Copy photo of] S.J. Seaside Hospital, balcony ward, N.D.S. 12088 photo by Byron, New York.
[Copy photo of] operating theater, Bellevue Hospital, Prof. Bryant at the start of an operation.
[Copy photo of] hospital emergency, nurse and two interns [with] patient on table.
Proposed dress factory for Beberman Bros., copy of wash drawing by Swit.
Copy of photo of Mrs. Bookhop.
Copy of a composite drawing of West End Collegiate and St. Nicholas church.
880 5th Avenue. Copy of drawing of apartment building by G. L. Scheffler.
Copy of crayon drawing of RKO Pathe Industries Inc.
Copy of a photographic portrait of a woman.