30 Beekman Street. Charles E. Hobbs and Co., warehouse.
Astor Place and Lafayette Street. Brokaw Brothers Building.
96 Lafayette Street. Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Co. Building.
12th Avenue and 45th Street. J.C. Penney and Co. warehouses.
9th Street and Stuyvesant Street. Hebrew Technical Institute.
436 East 10th Street. New York Standard Ash Can Co., large annealing oven.
402-408 Lafayette Street. General exterior.
Elevating machine at Macy and Co. warehouse.
R. H. Macy and Co. warehouse, entrance.
11th Street and Broadway. Grace Church, entrance.
3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Cooper Union Annex Building.
80th Street and 3rd Avenue, N.E. corner. Manhattan Storage Warehouse.
East 9th Street. Street Bridge, Wanamaker Building.
East Houston Street and 3rd Avenue. St. Augustine Chapel, chancel detail.
East Houston Street and 3rd Avenue. St. Augustine Chapel, detail fount.
123 Lafayette Street. Fourth Floor, Looking N.E. along north wall.
Knickerbocker Watch Co.: 389 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C.