389 Lafayette Street. Charles F. Hubbs and Co., warehouse.
Beekman and Water Street. Beekman Hospital, laboratory at sink, 7th floor, before alterations.
Water Street and Beekman Street. Volunteer Hospital, exterior.
Beekman and Water Street. Beekman Hospital, kitchen, 7th floor, before alterations.
Beekman and Water Street. Beekman Hospital, 7th floor elevator doors looking south, before alterations.
1 Beekman Place. Apartments, garage and rear of building from S.E..
85 White Street, near Worth Street. Chase Copper and Brass Co. warehouse, detail of aluminum wall with window, double hung sash.
25 Broad Street, S.E. corner of Exchange Place. City Investing Co., interior, roof penthouse looking S.E..
Federal Reserve Bank Warehouse. Maiden Lane and Gold Street
30 and 50 Church Street. Hudson Terminal Buildings.
80th Street and 3rd Avenue, N.E. corner. Manhattan Storage Warehouse.
12th Avenue and 45th Street. J.C. Penney and Co. warehouses.
Liberty Street and Broadway. Guaranty Trust Co., vault.
81-83 Front Street. Sasco Coffee Co. and S.A. Schonbrunn Co., exterior.
Broadway and Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Co.
50 Broad Street. A. Lippe and Co., entrance lobby.
1 Beekman Place. Apartments, general exterior.
54 Worth Street and Church Street, S.E. corner. Reeves Bros. Building textile company.