5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum.
993 5th Avenue at 81st Street. Apartments, exterior.
1010 5th Avenue at 82nd Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
996 5th Avenue at 81st Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art, general view from north.
1010 Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street. Apartments.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Wing, Third floor Dutch tavern.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
12 East 82nd Street. Ryan residence, library.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art, detail of center section.
9 East 81st Street. Pinchot Residence.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art, general view from S.E..
82nd Street and 5th Avenue. Metropolitan Museum of Art, general interior. [Italian War Commission, June 1917.]
129 East 81st Street. Residence.
91st Street and 5th Avenue. Kahn residence.
12 East 82nd Street. Ryan residence, entrance hall.