23 East 74th Street. Volney Apartments.
48 East 74th Street. Private house.
112 East 74th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
9 East 74th Street. Residence.
5 East 74th Street. Residence.
5 East 74th Street. Exterior.
18 East 74th Street. Residence.
40 East 74th Street. Bathroom.
152 East 74th Street. General exterior.
164-166 East 74th Street. General exterior.
145 East 74th Street and Lexington Avenue. Apartments.
126 East 74th Street. E. Seligman residence, exterior.
126 East 74th Street. E. Seligman residence, library.
[46-48-50 East 74th Street.]
126 East 74th Street. E. Seligman residence, living Room.
126 East 74th Street. E. Seligman residence, dining room.
927 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 74th Street. Apartment house.
133 East 74th Street. Two lower floors of residence.