[Lots from 3rd Avenue to Eagle Avenue, between Clifton Street (161st Street) and 163rd Street]
161 St
162nd Street and Morris Avenue. Branch Library
[Morrisania lots from 1-18 between Boston Avenue and Union Avenue and from Home Street to 168th Street]
[Mott Haven lots 2-30 and 224-230 from 128th Street to 134th Street near 3rd Avenue]
[Lots between 37th and 38th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenue]
Map of Belmont
Albert J. Ver Bryck, Bronx County Court House, Third Ave. & 161st St.
[Albert J. Ver Bryck, Bronx County Court House, Third Ave. & 161st St.]
Lots between the property of Augustus Wynkoop and First Street at the Methodist Cemetery
Maps of Lots near Mount Morris Square to be Sold at Auction by Adrian H. Muller & Co., October 25, 1853
Map of Property to be sold at Public Auction at the Merchts Exchange by J. Bleecker & Sons on Thursday 29th January 1835 at 12 1/2 o'clock
[Real estate map of 2nd Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets.]
[Sketch map of Kingsbridge Road and 5th Avenue between Harlem Road and 196th Street]
[Lots from 139th Street to 146th Street between 8th and 11th Avenue]
[Crotona Park, Mohegan to Boston Ave, and Fairmount (175th St.) to Boston Ave.]
[Sylvan Terrace, looking east from St. Nicholas Avenue between 160th Street and 161st Street.]
[Prospect Avenue and 162nd Street.]
[Lots between 37th and 38th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue]