Building, S.W. 26th St. & Fifth Ave.
Church, Madison Avenue Baptist, Madison Ave. & 31st Street.
Bird's Eye View, S.W. from Madison Avenue & 50th Street.
Church, St. Bartholomew's, Mad. Ave. & 44th St.
Church, Parkhurst's, Madison Ave., N.E. Corner 24th Street.
Madison Ave. M.E.
Buildings, Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.
Pilgrim Congregational.
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
Buildings, Vanderbilt Concourse, Vanderbilt Ave. & 45th St.
Buildings, 424 Madison Ave. Southwest 49th St.
Buildings, 341 Madison Ave. & 44th St.
Street Scenes, Seventh Avenue Around 30th St., Colored District.
Street Scenes - 1903, Seventh Ave & 23rd St. S.W. Corner.
Street Scenes, 1898. Fifth Ave., S.W. Cor. 56th St.
Hotel Navarre, 7th Ave. & 38th Street.