U.S.S. Akron, Navy dirigible
[U.S.S. "Granite State" after fire.]
[U.S.S. "Columbia".]
New York Skyline showing U.S.S. North Dakota and Brooklyn Bridge, New York City.
New York Skyline Showing U.S.S. North Dakota and Brooklyn Bridge.
[U.S.S. "Granite State" at West 97th Street, New York City.]
[U.S. "Raleigh" on the Hudson River.]
[U. S. "Brooklyn" on the Hudson River.]
[Aerial view of the North River.]
[Aerial view of Manhattan.]
U.S.S. North Dakota & Brooklyn Bridge, New York.
Hudson - Fulton Memorial Celebration. The "Half Moon" and the "Clermont" on their trip up the Hudson River escorted by U.S. Men of War and Balloons.
[U. S. S. New Hampshire, Hudson-Fulton Celebration.]
U.S.S. "Illinois" and Wharf: Armory for Naval Reserves
View from World Bldg. with North River, N.Y. City
Putting the U.S.S. Connecticut in commission