N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Play Japanese.
N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Play, Doctor.
N.Y. Assoc. for the Blind, Play, Mantel Piece Tableau.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Men Playing Pool.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Bowling.
N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Boy Scouts Group.
N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Cards and Pool.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Group of Girls Playing Ukeleles.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Girl Crocheting Rug.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, The Monthly Dance.
New York Assoc. for the Blind, Play.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Typewriting Class Men.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Woman Weaving Rug.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Men Playing Cards and Checkers.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Play.
New York Assoc. for the Blind, Play Group.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Boys' Swimming Class in Pool.
N. Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Group of Girls Dancing Class.
New York Assoc. for the Blind, Play, Group of 6.
N.Y. Association for the Blind.