Evening dress in blue satin brocaded with salmon pink flowers
Evening dress in white satin and floral chiné ribbons
Dress in claret velvet
Evening dress in ivory satin with striped floral brocade and pink velvet
Wedding dress in ivory and gold satin damask
Reception dress in white satin brocade and with claret velvet floating panels
Gown in dark blue satin brocaded with red roses and white stemmed flowers
Cloak in white satin damask with pink and white chiffon ruffles
Dress in lavender satin with gold floral brocade
Dress in tan silk and pink ribbed silk
Dress in black and white striped silk
Evening dress in light blue satin and uncut velvet
Day dress in brown velvet and brocade
Visiting dress in brown striped and lavender satin
Tea gown in lavender satin damask
Evening dress in pink chiffon and embroidered pink satin
Ball gown in dove gray ribbed silk with changeable golden yellow brocaded rose petals
Evening dress in green and gold floral brocade