[Times Building under construction.]
The Rialto Theatre Site. Times Building Site.
Times Building
Times Building, New York.
Times Square at night
Hotel Astor, Exteriors, Bldg. and roof garden scenes.
[Times Building, 1904.]
Times Building, New York
Times Square, 1956
229 West 43rd Street. Times Building and Annex
[Times Building and Paramount Building Nearing Completion, from 7th Avenue and 48th Street]
[Looking North up Broadway & Seventh Ave. from Times Building, 42nd St, N.Y.]
Night Scene, West from 500 Fifth Ave, showing Times, Paramount, Astor & Edison Hotels.
Buildings, Pershing Square Building, 1 Pershing Sq, Building from S.W.
[Times Square.]
The Times Building, N.Y. City.
Times Square, New York.
Panama Canal Construction.