Helen Gould house [579 Fifth Avenue], ceiling in dining room.
Helen Gould house [579 Fifth Avenue], ceiling in parlor.
National City Bank. Detail of ceiling.
1082 5th Avenue. Charles Phillips residence, ceiling decoration in the hall.
[Interior, detail of ceiling.]
[Canton Steel Ceiling Company. Interior, office.]
Auchincloss house, drawing room.
West 44th and Broadway. Hotel Astor. Interior, Coral Room ceiling
Woolworth Building. Detail of ornamental ceiling.
809 Westchester Avenue and 158th Street. Burland Casino interior showing ceiling.
[Empty room.]
Turniore house, mantel in dining room.
[Interiors, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Drawing Room.]
37 East 51st Street. Charles E. Dickey house, drawing room.
West 114th Street at the corner of 7th Avenue. Ansche Chesed Synagogue detail of ceiling.