Street Scene with Newsstand.
Children in front of the Jersey Pork Store, Harlem.
Newsstand, Harlem.
Sybil's Beauty Salon.
Empty Handcart, 133rd St.
Two Men on a Harlem Stoop.
Street Scene in Harlem in front of Daniel's Bar and Grill.
Iceman with a Large Cake of Ice.
Street Scene Outside Daniel's Bar and Grill.
Pushcarts 2.
Two Women in a Storefront.
Apartment with People, Harlem.
144th Street and Madison Avenue.
Children on a Harlem Doorstep.
Harlem Apartment.
Boy Seated with a Paper.
Boys on Stoop in Harlem.
Sitting on Crates.
Mother with Baby Carriage, Harlem.