Trust Company of America, interior.
Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Bank of New York and Trust Co., detail of basement stories.
14 Wall Street. Commercial building [Bankers Trust Company Building.]
Trust Co. of America.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
40 Wall Street. The Manhattan Company, detail base.
52 Wall Street. The National City Co., basement stories.
15 Broad Street. The Equitable Trust Company
Wall Street. Detail of installation in Brown Bros. Bank.
49 Wall Street. Union Bank of Canada, exterior detail.
Stone Street. College Lunch restaurant, detail of wall tiles.
63 Wall Street. Detail new entrance
60 Wall Street. Cities Service Company. Interior detail, elevator door
1 Wall Street. Irving Trust Company with Trinity Church steeple in foreground
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan Building, Ozark [marble] in 14th floor elevator lobby.
15 Broad Street. Equitable Trust Company Building
14 Wall Street. Blythe & Company. Interior, trading room with men at desks
195 Broadway at the corner of Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Detail of basement stories.