Panoramic View of New York
Panoramic View of New York [The Havell North River View.]
New York from Brooklyn [The Horner View.]
View of the Jet at Harlem River
Broadway, New-York. Showing each Building from the Hygeian Depot corner of Canal Street, to beyond Niblo's Garden.
New York Bay. (From the Telegraph Station.)
View of New York from New Jersey
Junction of Broadway & the Bowery ; Bay & Harbour of New York
View of New York, from Jersey City.
The Palisade Rocks on the Hudson River, West Bank, New York
View of the Bay of New York from the Battery.
The City of New York from Union Hill, New Jersey
New York Bay. From the Telegraph Station.
The Palisade Rocks on the Hudson River, West Bank New York.
View of the Bay of New York from the Battery
The Hay Sloops of the North River