Hotel Grand Union.
Grand Hotel, Broadway, Cor. 31 Street, N.Y.
Hotel Astor, Interior, Grand Ballroom from Floor.
Hotel McAlpin, N.Y.
Hotel Cadillac, Broadway & 43rd Street, Northeast corner.
Exterior Hotel Harding 55th St. & B'way.
Hotels, Herald Square Hotel.
Grand Street Theatre, Advertising Jacob Adler in "The Broken Hearts"
Coaching, New York to Phila. Pa. from Hotel Waldorf.
Hotel Imperial.
Victoria Hotel.
[Dutch and grill rooms, Hotel Martinique.]
Bird's Eye View, Broadway North from 44th St.
Grand Union Hotel
Knickerbocker Hotel.
Hotels, Murray Hill Hotel.
Hotel Biltmore from roof of Grand Central Depot.
Hotel Astor.