Commodore-Biltmore Garage.
[Commodore-Biltmore Garage.]
Hotel Biltmore from roof of Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Biltmore, Portraits, Chef Leoni (Commodore) Mate de Hotel Malnati (Biltmore).
[Hotel Biltmore from Roof of Hotel Commodore.]
Portrait of Chef Eugene Bouvier of Atlanta-Biltmore made at Hotel Commodore.
Commodore Hotel.
Hotels Murray Hill, Belmont, Manhattan, Biltmore and Commodore, Copy, Louis Biedermann's drawing of Pershing Sqr. Hotels, Subways and Grand Central.
Commodore Hotel, Interior, Lobby, Auto Show.
Hotels Murray Hill, Belmont, Manhattan, Biltmore and Commodore, Copy, H. Bierdermann's drawing of Pershing Sqr. Hotels, Subways and Grand Central.
Commodore Hotel, Cafe.