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Unloading Bananas.

Unloading Bananas.

Retail: Carrots.

Retail: Carrots.

Bronx Terminal Market.

Bronx Terminal Market.



West Washington Market: Poultry.

West Washington Market: Poultry.

Loading Bananas.

Loading Bananas.

Penn R.R. Pier 28: Line Stark, Beef

Penn R.R. Pier 28: Line Stark, Beef

Pennsylvania Railroad Pier 78 -- Beef.

Pennsylvania Railroad Pier 78 -- Beef.

Penn R.R Park: Bidding at a Fruit Auction.

Penn R.R Park: Bidding at a Fruit Auction.

Bidding at a Fruit Auction on Penn R.R. Pier 6.

Bidding at a Fruit Auction on Penn R.R. Pier 6.

Refreshment Stand.

Refreshment Stand.

Refreshment Stand 1.

Refreshment Stand 1.

West Washington Market: Beef Loading and Weighing.

West Washington Market: Beef Loading and Weighing.

Refreshment Stand: Fresh Fruit Orange Drink.

Refreshment Stand: Fresh Fruit Orange Drink.

Loading Fish, Fulton Fish Market.

Loading Fish, Fulton Fish Market.

Refresment Stand 2.

Refresment Stand 2.

Retail: Fruit Store.

Retail: Fruit Store.



Sea Food Bar & Clam House.

Sea Food Bar & Clam House.

Lunch Rooms.

Lunch Rooms.

Shipping Market Goods via Train.

Accession number 
Unique identifier MNY7264 
Dated 1938 
Inscription / technical details Neg # 3032-2 
Physical dimensions width: 2.5 in
length: 2.5 in 
File dimensions 13.9 in × 14.0 in at 300dpi
35.4 cm × 35.5 cm at 300dpi 

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