Residence, Mrs. McMurtry.
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Library.]
House of Huntington.
[Bedroom, Mrs. McMurtry, 812 5th Ave., 1907.]
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Sitting Room.]
House of John D. Crimmins, Contractor.
[Fifth Avenue, Thirty-fourth Street, Southwest Corner, Mrs. Astor's House.]
Portrait, Mr. & Mrs. Howard, Portraits & Interiors.
[Drawing Rm., Mrs. McMurtry, 812 5th Ave., 1907.]
House of Mrs. Leonard J. Busby.
Mrs. Osborn's Business House.
Residence, B. Altman.
[Interiors-Library, August Heckscher.]
[Interiors, Mrs. Loring, Kitchen.]