Broadway Series. Looking north from Mosholu Avenue. The building at the left with the sign Hotel is the Broadway Inn. On the billboards are Ads for Post Toasties and Marie Doro's "Midnight Gambols."
Broadway Series. Looking south from Caryl Avenue, city line. Chevrolet and Wrigley billboard signs at left.
Broadway Series. View looking north on Broadway from Van Cortlandt Park. This picture similar to No. 156.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Caryl Avenue. Same view as No. 161 except the motor cars.
Broadway Series. View looking south from 215th Street. Willow Tree Inn at left. Isham Park at right.
Broadway Series. View of west side of Bway looking north from Bleecker Street. Ligget's Drugstore on the near corner at left. On the far corner is No. 463, with I. Moss' Hats sign on 2nd floor.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Caryl Avenue, city line - Yonkers is beyond where the trolley is. Billboards at right, corner of Caryl Avenue.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from 13th Street. Union Square in distance. Hotel Churchill is at the corner on 14th Street facing the square.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of the street from Duane Street. On the corner at the left is the American Adding & Listing Machine Co. The American Calculating M. Co., The Rex Visible
Broadway Series. Looking north from 79th Street. Wood's store is the first tall building on 80th Street, at right. Keith's Theater beyond the low tree. Broadway studio building at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 169th Street, Broadway turns left from the course of the subway, which has followed under St. Nicholas Ave. at right. Grocery store at left corner. Wrigley sign at
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Bway, looking north from 4th Street. Schulte Cigars and A. Dubois & Son signs are seen on corner at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from a scaffold at Leonard Street, showing west side of Bway. At the left is shown the corner of Franklin Street, and then a good idea of the building for these blocks f
Broadway Series. Looking north from 44th Street. Hotel Astor at left - and Astor Theater at the corner of 45th Street.
Broadway Series. View from 3rd floor of St. Paul Building (corner of Vesey) looking north, showing the west side of Bway. Post office at the right. Old Astor Hotel at left, then the Woolworth Building
Broadway Series. View looking south from 31st Street (taken from 2nd floor window) showing east side of Broadway. The Grand Hotel is seen at left corner. Hofbrau House (Janssen's) is seen in middle di
Broadway Series. West side of Broadway looking north from 12th Street. No. 822 on corner at left. 13th Street is seen and Union Square beyond.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Lispenard and Canal Street, where the two streets converge.
Broadway Series. View of the west side of Broadway, looking north from 37th Street, Normandie Hotel sign shows at extreme right. Metropolitan Opera House is seen in middle distance and beyond is the T
Broadway Series. Looking north from the platform of the subway station at 242nd Street.