Broadway Series. View looking north from 126th Street where the subway becomes elevated.
Broadway Series. Looking northeast from Waldo Avenue. Terrace and 238th Street. Broadway (dark line in distance) subway that is elevated. Top of oak tree in foreground, against the sky. Cement plaza s
Broadway Series. Looking north from the platform of the subway station at 242nd Street.
Broadway Series. Looking east from Waldo Ave. Terrace toward the 238th Street subway station on Broadway. The Plaza stairway in the center of the picture is seen partly in negative No. 151.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Exterior St., and 230th St. (231st Street subway station in distance).
Broadway Series. Looking south from 130th Street underneath subway. The Manhattan Ave. station is seen in the middle distance.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 147th Street. Walk over subway in center of streets.
Broadway Series. Looking southeast from Waldo Ave. Terrace and 238th Street. Broadway subway in distance. Pictures Nos. 151, 152 & 153 were taken from the same elevations.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 122nd Street, where the subway comes above ground.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 118th Street. Columbia University buildings at left. Broadway warehouse in distance looking toward at lights, and where subway comes out from below ground.
Broadway Series. Looking north from the roof of the 3rd Avenue (Kingsbridge Division) car barns. Where Broadway converges with 10th Avenue, at 218th Street, and the subway (elevated at this point) con
Deegan Boulevard Photographs - Looking north along R.R. from 234th St.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 26th Street showing east side of Broadway.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 105th Street. Large Mansard-roof building in center-far distance. Tree at right. This is where the subway veers to the left as it proceeds north on West End Avenue.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 25th Street showing east side of Broadway. Thos. Cusack Co., building at right is on 25th Street.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 215th Street. Garages at left. In the distance is the subway, where it leaves 10th Ave, elevated, and once more meets Broadway, to continue there on to 242nd S
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Lispenard and Canal Street, where the two streets converge.
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking south from near Bleecker toward Houston Street. Young's Hats on corner.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 136th Street. Here the subway has gone underground once more from the elevated as seen in view No. 125. Billboards in park at right. Subway exits on each side
Broadway Series. At the end of the subway, 242nd Street. The house on the hill, in the trees, is known as "honeymoon house," built many years ago. The building at the extreme right is on the Old Alban