Broadway Series. Looking north on Broadway from Van Cortland Park. Horace Mann School is seen at the left edge of picture, above the trees, and on the heights.
Broadway Series. View looking north from Mosholu Ave with Broadway Inn at left. This negative is similar to the one numbered 159.
Broadway Series. Looking southeast from Waldo Ave. Terrace and 238th Street. Broadway subway in distance. Pictures Nos. 151, 152 & 153 were taken from the same elevations.
Broadway Series. Looking east from Waldo Ave. Terrace toward the 238th Street subway station on Broadway. The Plaza stairway in the center of the picture is seen partly in negative No. 151.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Caryl Avenue. Same view as No. 161 except the motor cars.
Broadway Series. Looking north from the platform of the subway station at 242nd Street.
Van Cortlandt House in the park.
Broadway Series. View looking north from Washington Heights at 190th Street.
Van Cortlandt Pk. # 29.
Temporary Railroad Crossing, Van Cortlandt Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Path Van Cortlandt Pk. 32.
Pathway Van Cortlandt Pk #31.
[Van Cortlandt Estate.]
Broadway Series. View looking north from 60th Street. Automobile Row No. 1842 Broadway on right 61st Street.
Broadway Series. West side of street looking north from No. 32 on east side of street.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 26th Street showing east side of Broadway.
[Paranormic view from Jerome Park Reservoir to Van Cortlandt Park.]
[Broadway and 242nd Street at Van Cortlandt Park.]
Broadway Series. Looking north from Mosholu Avenue. The building at the left with the sign Hotel is the Broadway Inn. On the billboards are Ads for Post Toasties and Marie Doro's "Midnight Gambols."