Broadway Series. Looking north from 37th Street, showing east side of street. Picture taken March 1939 to contrast with negative No. 91 taken May 1920.
Broadway Series. View looking south from 31st Street (taken from 2nd floor window) showing east side of Broadway. The Grand Hotel is seen at left corner. Hofbrau House (Janssen's) is seen in middle di
Broadway Series. Looking north from 29th Street showing the east side of Broadway. Hofbrau House on the right (Janssen's). Grand Hotel at corner of 31st Street, then Imperial and Martinique Hotels bey
Broadway Series. View taken on street level showing the west side of Broadway looking south from 37th Street. No. 1369 on corner at extreme right. Marlborough Hotel at corner of 36th Street. Macy's De
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Bway, looking north from 4th Street. Schulte Cigars and A. Dubois & Son signs are seen on corner at left.
Broadway Series. View looking south from 49th Street showing the east side of Broadway. Churchill's on corner at right. Salvation Army flier over street. Taken from 2nd floor window of Brill Bros.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Broadway, looking north from 30th Street. Grand Hotel on corner of 31st Street. Imperial and Martinique Hotels at 32nd Street. Picture taken from 2nd floor window
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Broadway, looking north from 27th Street Regal Shoe Co., at left on corner. 5th Avenue Theatre (Proctors) in middle distance, corner of 28th Street.
Broadway Series. View taken from 2nd floor fire escape of Broadway, looking north from 26th Street, showing east side of Bway.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of the street from Duane Street. On the corner at the left is the American Adding & Listing Machine Co. The American Calculating M. Co., The Rex Visible
Broadway Series. East side of Broadway looking north 20th Street. "Hotel" is seen on corner of 21st Street.
Broadway Series. View of the west side of Broadway, looking north from 37th Street, Normandie Hotel sign shows at extreme right. Metropolitan Opera House is seen in middle distance and beyond is the T
Broadway Series. View looking north from 40th Street showing the west side of Broadway, including 41st and 42nd Streets. Times Square Building and Astor Hotel appear in the distance. Picture taken fro
Broadway Series. Looking north from 38th Street, east side of street. Picture taken March 1939 to contrast with negative No. 91 which was made in 1920.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from 13th Street. Union Square in distance. Hotel Churchill is at the corner on 14th Street facing the square.
Broadway Series. View of west side of Bway looking north from Bleecker Street. Ligget's Drugstore on the near corner at left. On the far corner is No. 463, with I. Moss' Hats sign on 2nd floor.
Broadway Series. View of west side of Broadway, looking north from 10th Street. Picture was taken from Wanamaker's fire escape. St. Denis Hotel is seen at corner of 11th Street.
Broadway Series. West side of Broadway looking north from 12th Street. No. 822 on corner at left. 13th Street is seen and Union Square beyond.
Broadway Series. View looking south from "El" platform at 33rd Street, showing east side of Broadway. This is Greeley Square. The United Cigar Store sign is in the building that stands on the corner o
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Broome Street. Princely Mills Building on corner at right. Spring and Prince Streets are seen in distance.