Broadway Series. View from 3rd floor of St. Paul Building (corner of Vesey) looking north, showing the west side of Bway. Post office at the right. Old Astor Hotel at left, then the Woolworth Building
Broadway Series. Looking south from Leonard Street, showing the west side of Bway. Picture was taken from a scaffold at the corner of Leonard Street. Woolworth Tower is seen in the distance.
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Bway, looking north from 4th Street. Schulte Cigars and A. Dubois & Son signs are seen on corner at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Vesey Street showing west side of Bway. Astor Building, and Old Astor Hotel on left, then Woolworth Building. Corner of post office shows at right. Street level vie
Broadway Series. View of west side of Bway looking north from Bleecker Street. Ligget's Drugstore on the near corner at left. On the far corner is No. 463, with I. Moss' Hats sign on 2nd floor.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Lispenard and Canal Street, where the two streets converge.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of the street from Duane Street. On the corner at the left is the American Adding & Listing Machine Co. The American Calculating M. Co., The Rex Visible
Broadway Series. Looking north from Franklin Street. East side of Bway. Royal Typewriters on the corner of Franklin at right of picture. Remington Typewriters in center of picture at corner of White S
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from 13th Street. Union Square in distance. Hotel Churchill is at the corner on 14th Street facing the square.
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Broadway, looking north from 27th Street Regal Shoe Co., at left on corner. 5th Avenue Theatre (Proctors) in middle distance, corner of 28th Street.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Broome Street. Princely Mills Building on corner at right. Spring and Prince Streets are seen in distance.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of Bway. Picture was taken while standing on the corner of Cedar Street, looking toward Liberty at left. No. 149 on corner of Liberty Street.
Broadway Series. View of the east side of Bway looking north from 11th Street. Picture was taken from in front of No. 791, which is opposite Grace Church.
Broadway Series. View taken from second-story looking north from Fulton Street, showing west side of Broadway. St. Paul's Church at left. Astor Building is next at corner of Vesey Street and then Wool
Broadway Series. Looking north from Reade Street. East side of street R.G. Dunn & Co. on corner at right. I took this view from an elevation - a scaffold, I think.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 29th Street showing the east side of Broadway. Hofbrau House on the right (Janssen's). Grand Hotel at corner of 31st Street, then Imperial and Martinique Hotels bey
Broadway Series. View looking north toward 49th Street and Rivoli Theater at which a Chaplin comedy is being shown. (East side of Broadway is mostly seen, but the Capital Theater sign shows at the ext
Broadway Series. Looking north from Liberty Street, showing east side of Bway. Guarantee Trust Company (columns) at right on corner of Maiden Lane.
Broadway Series. View of west side of Bway, looking south from Great Jones Street, and West 3rd Street. West 3rd Street is shown on the right with the small building and the Coca Cola sign. The Woolwo
Broadway Series. Looking north from 55th Street, showing the east side of Broadway in center of picture, at 56th Street, is seen the Broadway Tabernacle. Brick sales room at extreme left (corner of 55